2024 Oceans Calling Transportation
We are offering transportation to and from the festival again in 2024! Tickets will be available starting March 1st.
Looking for tickets?
Read all about our transportation options for the festival!
Frequently Asked Questions

I'm not familiar with Ocean City -- where are these places?
For those of you not familiar with our wonderful resort town — the map on the left/above should give you a general idea of our shuttle routes to/from the music festival.
The Convention Center has a large parking lot and we’re trying to offer frequent pickups from there to get down to the festival.
The West OC option might have restricted parking — we have not yet heard from our partners on the harbor.
Can I get a ride from Bayside? How about my private dock?
We hope to open our Water Taxi to allow groups to book a private ride from their location to the festival. The pricing for these options will depend a great deal on distance as it can take 45 minutes to get from the north end of the bay down to the drop-off location for the music festival.