Try something different for OC Senior Week – Take A Boat Ride!

Ocean City Senior Week can be a great time with friends. Warm summer days and relaxing beach days are a reward for finishing school. Make the trip even more memorable with a boat ride! OC Bay Hopper is offering fun adventures below for you and your friends. What better place to share Tik Tok or Instagram photos? Or, if you are looking for a one-of-a-kind experience- something very different to cap off your mileston visit Sail Alyosha

Parents show some Ocean City Senior Week Love

Reward your kid for all their hard work with a one-of-a-kind boat ride in Ocean City, MD. We have several cruises to choose from: Morning Assateague Nature Cruises, Afternoon Ice Cream Cruises (featuring Taharka Brothers Ice Cream) and Sunset Cruises every night. We want to reward them too! Enter the code SW2024 and save 10% off any trip but it is only applicable for cruises between June 1st and June 12th.


Ice Cream Cruise

Ice Cream being held up on a boat ride

Take an hour long break from the beach and boardwalk– join us on the bay for some delicious, hand made (in Baltimore!), small batch ice cream. Sample multiple flavors and enjoy a little wind in your hair.

Trips offered from both 118th Street and West Ocean City on weekdays in the afternoon.

Pizza Cruise

Hop aboard and have a slice! This is a wonderful treat for families who can’t figure out what to do for lunch or dinner.

Trips typically offered from 118th Street on weekdays around 6:15PM — perfect alternative to dinner!


Nature Lover Cruise

Senior week kids on a boat ride

Enjoy leisurely boat rides that showcase the stunning coastal scenery and iconic landmarks of Ocean City, Maryland.

Marvel at panoramic views of the shoreline, as you cruise along bayside

Capture Instagram-worthy photos of the famous Assateague Island

Trips offered from both 118th Street and West Ocean City on weekdays in the afternoon.